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Accounts panel shows basic details about all accounts that are available for a user.
To open Accounts panel, select Account -> Accounts in the header of VelocityTrader Web platform:
The Accounts panel is also available in Detailed view in order to show the detailed information in rows. You can see details about any of your accounts or about all together. Click on the Current equity section (Balance & Projected balance) located in the header of the Web platform in order to open this panel.
The following information about Accounts and calculation formulas are available:
A current realized balance of an account. If there is trading with pending valuation, balance won’t change before clearing, on which P/L will be credited by covered trades or delivery of funds will be performed by uncovered trades. Fees are charged off from a balance at the time of accrual.
Projected balance
A future balance which includes all accrued and not accrued profit/loss. After closing all positions, accrual of fees and assets' delivery, a balance becomes equal to equity.
Projected balance = Balance + Unsettled cash + Loss + Profit + Blocked for Stocks, where: Unsettled cash – realized profit/loss by covered positions, which have not been delivered to an account yet and will be delivered in accordance with T+n value cycle; Profit/Loss – current open profit/loss by positions; Blocked for Stocks – amount of funds debited from a balance in case of Equities trading. After closing such position, funds will be returned to an account.
Balance&All risks
Shows an actual current quantity of funds on an account which can be used for trading.
Balance&All risks = Balance + Unsettled loss + Loss + Unsettled profit + Profit, where: Unsettled loss – realized losses by covered positions which have not been delivered to an account yet and will be delivered in accordance with T+n value cycle; Loss – current open losses; Unsettled profit – profit, which is not delivered to an account and will be delivered in accordance with T+n value cycle; Profit – current open profit.
Credit value
An amount of credit funds which you can't withdraw, but can trade with.
Available funds
Amount of funds which can be used for trading.
Available funds = Balance&All risks - Initial margin req - Stock orders req
Blocked balance
Balance blocked by a broker or by a user for withdrawal\transfer.
Blocked balance = Withdrawal balance + Transfer balance
Cash balance
A current cash position for an account with taken into account unsettled profit/loss.
Cash balance = Balance + Unsettled cash
Unsettled cash
Profit/loss, which will be credited to an account in accordance with T+n value cycle.
Withdrawal available
Shows an amount of cash that you can withdraw immediately from your account.
Withdrawal available = Available funds – Credit value – Profit – Unsettled profit + Unused unsettled negative cash for stocks – Unsettled positive cash for stocks + Unused unsettled negative premium - Unsettled positive premium + Unsettled premium from open sell - Used premium from open sell - Stocks liquidity + Withdrawable cash for stocks + Withdrawable unsettled profit/loss + Withdrawable unsettled collateral + Unused intraday initial margin - Used overnight initial margin for intraday, where:
Credit value - credited funds available to trade with but unavailable to withdraw.
If Credit value is positive, then we use the current logic and subtract this value.
If Credit value is negative, it means that it has been already substracted from the balance and shouldn't be substracted again.
Profit - current open profit, calculated for all instruments on a selected account;
Unsettled profit - realized profit for all positions, which isn't yet settled to an account and will be settled in accordance with T+n settlement system;
Unsettled positive cash for stocks - value of unsettled cash, which was returned when selling stocks;
Unsettled premium from open sell - unsettled uncovered option premium for opening short positions;
Used premium from open sell - settled uncovered option premium for opening short positions.
"Unused intraday initial margin" and "Used overnight initial margin for intraday" participate in the calculation only during those periods of the trading session for which Is Intraday = true. For other periods, they do not participate, since the margin is already blocked by Overnight coefficients.
Interest rate, %
Shows an annual interest rate on deposit.
Stocks value
A total cost of assets, traded with Stocks pre-paid margin type, positions of which are open on a selected account.
Stocks value = ∑ (Current stock price * Amount * Cross price), where: Amount - a current stocks' quantity in the position 'Qty * Lot size'; Qty is qty in lots.
Waived margin
The amount in the Account currency that is deducted from Initial and Maintenance margin requirements for the Account
see Initial margin req. and Maint. margin req.
Initial margin req
Amount of initial margin blocked for all positions and orders taking into account a margin crossing.
Initial margin req = ∑ (Initial margin)+ Fee - Waived margin
Initial margin req, %
Shows how much margin is used in relation to Balance&All risks.
Initial margin req,% = (Initial margin req/ (Balance&All risks - Stock orders req))*100%
Maint. margin req, %
Shows current level of risks. When Maint. margin req=100%, stop-out triggers.
Maint. margin req% = (Maint margin req/ (Balance&All risks - Stock orders req))*100%, where Maint margin req=∑ (Maintenance margin) + Fee - Waived margin
Margin available
Full margin which is available to maintain a portfolio in a current moment.
Margin available = Balance&All risks - Maint. margin req - Stock orders req
Margin warning level
Shows Maintenance margin level, which Warning margin message is sent with.
Warning margin lvl. = (Margin warning, % / 100) * (Balance&All risks - Stock orders req )
Stop out level
The Maint. margin req% value required for a stop out to occur.
Warning margin
A value set on the account's level. When Maint. margin req, % reaches this value, a Warning margin message is sent.
Maint. margin req
Total margin used for maintenance of a current portfolio in account currency.
Maint. margin req = ∑Maint. margin req (Maintenance margin req for positions and Initial margin for orders, taking into account the margin crossing between orders and positions)
Blocked for Stocks
Amount of funds debited from a balance in case of trading with symbols with Stocks pre-paid margin type. After closing such position, funds will be returned to an account. Stock operations can be pending.
Blocked for Stocks=abs(∑Stock operation), where: abs - a module; Stock operation = - Open price * Qty * Lot size * Cross price (for buy); Stock operation = Open price * Qty * Lot size * Cross price (for sell).
Stock orders req
Total margin blocked for orders with Stock pre-paid margin type.
Stock orders req = ∑ Margin for Stocks pre-paid orders
Account activity
Open gross P/L
A profit or loss on all currently opened positions and currency, recalculated in real time based on the most recent quotes
Open net P/L
A net profit or loss on open positions.
# Positions
A number of currently opened positions.
# Orders
A number of currently placed pending orders.
Today results
Today's gross
A gross profit for today.
Today's net
A total profit or loss realized from positions today.
Today's fees
Fees paid today.
Today's volume
A total volume traded for today.
# Today's trades
A number of trades done for today.
Today turnover
Shows a turnover of funds per day for a current account.
Today’s rebates
Shows a sum of all funds that have been received/paid by a broker for the creation/removal of liquidity for a current day. If a received rebates is bigger than a paid sum, then rebates value will be positive "+", otherwise negative "-".
Risk management
Trading status
Trading status of a selected account.
Daily loss limit
Max loss limit for 1 day, trading is blocked when this limit is reached.
Weekly loss limit
Max loss limit for 1 week, trading is blocked when this limit is reached.
Total max position qty
Max total qty in lots of all positions and orders.
Trailing drawdown level
Shows maximum drawdown level for an account.
Daily loss
Shows a current net daily loss limit value for an account.
Weekly loss
Shows a current net weekly loss limit value for an account.
Daily profit target
Maximum value of daily net profit allowed for an account.
Max. day volume
Shows a Max. day volume set for an account.
# Max. positions
Shows a Max. qty. of positions.
# Max. pending orders
Shows a Max. qty of pending orders.
Max. order capital
Shows a Max. order capital.
Allow overnight trading
Shows whether it is allowed or not to transfer positions through night for an account.
Max order amount
Maximum allowed opening order amount (in the Instrument absolute units)
Max orders count per day
Number of orders that the User can place or modify during a day
Max drawdown level
Minimum allowed Projected balance value that an Account can have
Day trader pattern protection
Displays whether protection against accidental marking the account as the Day trader pattern is activated. Available states are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’.
Available day trades
Displays the number of intraday trades that can be performed before the system classifies this user/account as a Day trader pattern.